
Saturday, 19 March 2016

The Titles of St Joseph

Today we celebrate the feast of St Joseph, son of David and earthly father of our Saviour. 

The Bible doesn't say much about this holy man, but from the few lines in which he is mentioned much can be understood. "The Evangelists describe him as the caring guardian of Jesus, an attentive and faithful husband, who exercises his family authority in a constant attitude of service. Nothing else is said about him in the Sacred Scriptures, but this silence contains the special style of his mission: a life lived in the greyness of everyday life, but with steadfast faith in Providence." (JPII)

The Titles of St Joseph

Saint Joseph! Patron of the Universal Church, why? Because it all started in his house, the very first domestic Church.

Patron of the unborn child, it was him who was given the great task from God to care for the expectant mother and accepted humbly to be the foster father of the unborn King. 

Patron Saint of fathers, model for all earthly fathers, a man who stood by his child through the difficult moments, the pillar of the house, the one who worried about providing enough food to put on the humble dinner table of the Holy Family. 

Patron Saint of workers, he would earnestly rise every morning and work very hard and very honestly. He is the great example for every Christian worker . Because he, himself, was a carpenter he is also patron Saint of all carpenters.

Patron Saints of travellers: He travelled from Nazareth to Bethlehem, from Bethlehem to Egypt... He experienced the hardship of a long journey together with his family.

Patron Saint of migrants. When in Egypt he experienced the suffering of waking up under an alien sun in a foreign land with an hostile culture looking for enough work to sustain the family.

Patron of the dying and of a happy death: 
1) He is the foster father of the Eternal Judge , Who can refuse him no request.
2) He is terrible to the demons; the Church calls him the 'Terror of Demons and Conqueror of Hell'.
3) His own death was the most beautiful, for he died in the arms of Jesus and Mary. The death of no other Saint was so happy and glorious.


O Glorious St. Joseph, behold I choose thee today for my special
patron in life and at the hour of my death. Preserve and increase
in me the spirit of prayer and fervour in the service of God.
Remove far from me every kind of sin; obtain for me that my
death may not come upon me unawares, but that I may have
time to confess my sins sacramentally and to bewail them
with a most perfect understanding and a most sincere and
perfect contrition, in order that I may breathe forth my soul
into the hands of Jesus and Mary. Amen 

Some Saints are privileged to extend to us their patronage with particular efficacy in certain needs, but not in others; but our holy patron St. Joseph has the power to assist us in all cases, in every necessity, in every undertaking. - St. Thomas Aquinas

We are very grateful to St Joseph for the many graces that we have received as a family, but especially in our search for houses and jobs. He has never failed us and he holds a special place in our hearts.  Who better than him can understand the difficulties and needs that a family encounters along the way? 

Let's ask St Joseph in this special day to protects our husbands and fathers that they may find holiness in their calling, just like he did and for all of us that we may find peace and humbly accept the plan of God in our life.

Here is the Novena we do when we need St Joseph to intercede for us... trust us... it is a good one! 

St Joseph is also known to be a good match maker,  if you, or you who are reading know of anyone looking for a good Christian husband or wife introduce them to this Novena. He will work wonders!

Saint Joseph was a just man, a tireless worker, the upright guardian of those entrusted to his care. May he always guard, protect and enlighten families. 

- Pope John Paul II

We are Italian and there is no feast without food! 

Zeppole is what we will be making! They are a traditional type of choux pastry doughnut steeped (or brushed with) in a hot mixture of melted honey, water and sugar, then filled and topped with 'crema gialla' (custard) and glasse' cherries. 

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