


                    Love your Enemy

I am 11 years old and am in year 6. I go to a very Catholic school, I love going because of all the lovely teachers and all my lovely friends. I feel very loved by everyone except for one girl. 
It all started in year 3 a sort of love, hate relationship and it has carried on ever since... I don't actually know why she does these things. I feel quite sad about what is going on but I know in moments of difficulty that the most important people in my life are my FAMILY! I don't have a phone yet but I've been told by my friend who has a phone that she cyber bullies me by texting my other friends and calling me names, and spreads bad rumors about me that aren't even true!
This situation makes me feel sad and there are many times when I feel like crying, I feel angry when she says things that aren't true and there are times when I feel like putting up a fight. I know that being a Christian I have to love my enemy and pray for her, it may be easy to say, but it is quite hard to do... trust me! One of the things that Jesus said was: 'To love the people who love you is easy but I would like you to love your enemies.' You and me should know that through all these difficult times God will be there always.  

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